X-rays are worrisome to many people, yet they are not only extremely helpful with diagnosing problems and helping guide physicians in their treatment, they can also prevent unnecessary pain and suffering and often save lives. An X-ray is like a GPS for the dentist, and being able to see what’s going on in the bones can help guide her in her treatment.
Nowadays, dental practitioners follow the rules for administering X-rays as laid out by the College of Dental Surgeons regarding the frequency and type of X-ray that may be used on patients. Dental X-rays are administered at very low frequencies of radiation, and further precautions are taken with the use of aprons, fast film, and filters.
Radiation is a concern and one should be wary of unnecessary exposure to it, but the exposure to radiation from a dental X-ray is extremely small, and the risks are far lower than our daily exposure to any other carcinogens. Any X-rays dentists recommend can be extremely useful in helping you receive the best care and treatment.